Friday, December 26, 2008

another christmas, come and gone

happy day after christmas! i hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. hubby, little buddy and i sure did! we got some fun gifts and spent some time together and with our extended families.

hubby got the game endwar for his ps3. he has been wanting it for a long time. he knew i got it for him, and has been begging for weeks to open it. but i said no. i'm so mean! i made him wait for christmas. :) he also got a painting from his parents. this painting was done especially for hubby's grandfather, who was the captain of the fire department in his little town. it is a beautiful representation of the fire house, with an old-time fire carriage drawn by horses. the artist used tiny sandblasters to carve the design, including tiny little bricks in the building, then painted the details in. before he died, hubby's grandfather said he wanted the painting to go to my hubby. he was also a firefighter, and they had a really special relationship. it is already hanging up in our house.

hubby got me some fun new scrapbooking supplies and makeup. yay! my mom got me the teenage mutant ninja turtles dvd (because i looooved tmnt when i was a kid) and my grandma made me a new snow hat. in-laws got us tickets to see wicked! can you believe it! i'm so excited!

little buddy was spoiled (and rightfully so)! he got some really fun new toys! his favorite is the little cell phone we got him. he loves phones, so it was perfect for him. he also got a walk behind wagon and an activity table, a little xylophone, some onesies and a penguin that is kind of like a little punching bag with balls in it, stacking rings, and a few other things. overall, it was a great day.

now i am looking forward to my birthday. it's only four days away now! i can't believe another year has passed. the weirdest part is thinking about where we were last christmas. i was so pregnant, so uncomfortable, and i thought that our baby would NEVER come. and now he is here, and i can't remember what life was like before him.


Mother of the Wild Boys said...

Glad you had a fun's so different as the parent, huh? Happy Birthday soon! :)

CreativeMish said...

HI from SITS! It sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas!!!