Am I required to forgive my abuser even if they have not repented?
It is sometimes hard to forgive others, especially when we have been deeply hurt. We may replay an offender's sin against us long after the person has repented -- and even after God remembers the sin no more (see D&C 58:42).
This is especially true when the hurt and needed repentance is between family members. But harboring hurts from others can canker our souls. It prevents us from experiencing the full blessings of the Atonement. Indeed, when we fail to forgive, we bear the grater sin (see D&C 64:9-10).
President Gordon B. Hinckley has said, "There is a mighty power of healing in Christ, and...if we are to be his true servants, we must not only exercise that healing power in behalf of others, but, perhaps more important, inwardly." It takes true faith in Jesus Christ to submit offenses against us to the power of his atonement.
The Savior requires us to forgive. We cannot fully heal if we do not put the hurt and bitterness behind us. The Lord understands how difficult this can be, especially with something like abuse. Even if our abuser does not recognize his or her sins against us, we are still required to forgive them. The Lord will justly deal with them. For us, we are required to be like the Savior, and forgive.
One of my favorite forgiveness quotes: "If we can find forgiveness in our hearts for those who have caused us hurt and injury, we will rise to a higher level of self-esteem and well-being." James E. Faust, April 2007
what a lovely post and i struggle with forgiveness at times...
You are such an inspiration, Cornny. I love reading your posts! :)
Umm how did I NOT know you were preggo??
Hugh Nibley simply taught, "There are really only two things you need to learn in this life, how to repent and how to forgive.
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