Saturday, April 18, 2009

23rd Edition of the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse

the new blog carnival is up, over at child abuse survivor. i have two posts up this time around, and there are a whole bunch of other great ones. go check it out!

how many of you wore blue yesterday? i was surprised to see that our local sizzler had a fundraiser for the children's justice center, and that the city park put up american flags and signs about stopping child abuse. what a great thing that our communities are rallying to stop child abuse!

1 comment:

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

Off the subject...and maybe it's just me, but what is up with the blog layout? For a week or so it's been different, and sometimes it makes it difficult to read your posts. It seems that the words on the right side of your sentences get cut off.

Am I the only one who's seeing it this way?
