Thursday, July 9, 2009

exponent post: how well does the church handle abuse?

one of my favorite blogs to read that is an lds blog is the exponent. i have found that these women are intelligent, faithful, and discuss poignant issues surrounding the church and individual thought. most of these women are feminist (which i LOVE) and many of their views fall right in line with my own.

yesterday, a guest post by kmillecam was published, titled how well does the church handle abuse? kmillecam shares her personal story of her abuse, how she came forward and the response she received from her counselor at BYU and her bishop.

i really appreciated this post and the comments left by other readers. as a survivor of abuse myself, it really hit home. especially because i also came forward (not to a church leader, but to a hospital counselor) and nothing was done. it wasn't until i came forward to my own parents that the issue was addressed legally as well as within my family.

even if you are not a member of the lds church, i would suggest reading this post. the thoughts shared here can be applied to anyone.

thank you, kmillecam, for being so courageous and sharing your story with the world.


VICKI IN AZ said...

Thank you for the link.
Hope you are well in you new home.
Hugs to you.

k said...

Thanks for linking my story here. I am glad to read your story as well, and hope you find peace in your life with this.