Sunday, August 1, 2010

inspiration award

i received an email the other day from online health insurance. this website gives away awards to people who have an inspiring story. here is what the email said:

"This award was created for people we feel have an inspiring story of recovery and survival, whether physically, mentally or emotionally. After reviewing your website and reading your inspirational story, we feel your story instills a feeling of hope in us all. Therefore, we want to recognize your story so that others may also feel inspired and hopeful in their own recovery and survival. You can also read more about the award and how it was created on our website."

thank you!

Health Insurance Online

A dedicated and comprehensive health insurance portal offering a variety of ways to learn about and acquire cheap health insurance. Offers a wealth of information on health insurance from books and articles.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Congrats. I feel it is awesome that this insurance bothers to review websites and feel into the person behind.